VALUE: £1.15m
Thompsons were appointed as Principal Contractor by GlaxoSmithKline, working under ABB Ltd as CDMC, to undertake asbestos removal and dismantling works at GSK’s pharmaceutical manufacturing facility at Ulverston. The GSK facility remained live and operational throughout.
The project was delivered in two contract phases and covered;
- Phase 1 – Asbestos Removal of Pipebridges
- Phase 2 – Various Demolition, Dismantling, Decommissioning and Removal Works
Thompsons undertook the following works;
- Asbestos Removal
- Dismantling of Pipebridges
- Dismantling of Process Systems
- Demolition of Buildings
- Demolition of Gantries
Various demolition and dismantling services were used throughout the project with a combination of different types of demolition plant used. The most challenging part of the project was the demolition and clearance of Building 5B, a steel framed structure which stepped from 2-storey to 3-storey in height, with its three-storey annex located at the East of the building. The building was clad in steel sheeting. The structure contained various low-level plant and equipment. The Annex section of the building contained plant/equipment which was specified to be salvaged by Thompsons. Equipment for salvage was lifted out using a 55-tonne crane.