VALUE: Ongoing
The site is situated at the Elvet Waterside, Durham City Centre. The project consists of carrying out a series of enabling works to allow for the construction of a new building for Durham University Business School. The project is split into 2 separate phases of work. During phase 1 works of the project, Archaeology works will be undertaken by Durham University Archaeological Services, with Thompsons providing attendance such as excavators, dumper trucks, drivers, welfare, general management etc.
Due to the sensitivity of the site location (City Centre and Waterside), the listed building, residents occupying local properties, the archaeological works, tree protection orders (TPO’s) and Public Rights of Way, this project provides significant challenges.
Thompsons of Prudhoe Ltd are contracted as the Principal Contractor by Durham University to undertake the following scope of works;
- Demolition and grubbing foundations of 4 existing buildings known as (Baths Building, Pottery Hut, Nursery and Elvet Courtyard)
- Careful dismantling of associated garden walls
- Transporting and storing of materials off-site for re-use
- Improvements works to the Green Lane Depot (fencing and access route)
- Asbestos removal
- Stripping carparks to below sub-base and removing associated car park equipment
- Site clearance
- Drainage diversions
- Tree removal and vegetation
- Mitigation planting
- Cut and fill
- Crushing of demolition arisings for use in a piling mat
- Provision of a piling mat
- Attendances on Archaeological investigation
- New temporary access road
- Management of utility diversions and isolations (orders placed directly by Durham University)
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